Delegated Approvers are individuals who have been authorized by the Department/Org Heads to approve changes through eForms. There are three types of Delegated Approvers: Proxies, Alternates, and Backups.
Requirements/Expectations of All Delegated Approvers
Proxies will automatically receive all ePAF approval requests (email notifications and worklist items) for the specific departments they are delegated proxy access. It is recommended that the persons selected to be proxies will regularly approve ePAF's on behalf of the department head, not just on special occasions. It should be appropriate for them to approve personnel changes for all employees in the department.
Alternates will only receive approval requests for the specific departments they are delegated alternate access, when the person submitting the ePAF specifies it should be sent to them. It is best to select someone as an alternate if they should only get approval requests routed to them when the department head/proxy/backup cannot be reached, or if they should only be able to approve ePAF's for a select group of employees or transactions in the department. In the latter case, the initiator should be familiar with the sub groups that alternates are authorized to approve and be able to select the appropriate alternate on the ePAF.
Email notifications cannot be turned off for alternates…as workflow items cannot be turned off.